Data Science Basic Program

Build your career in one of the most in-demand field in the market - Data Science. Start learning from the very beginning and build a solid foundation in Data Science!

৳ 6,999 10,000

Program Details

⚡ How it Works

This course is for those who want to enter into the field of data science as a beginner. All the topics will be covered from scratch and the curriculum is prepared such that the learners can enter into learning advanced topics after completion of the course.

👨‍🏫 Support and feedback

Everyone in this course will be added to a separate discord group where they can discuss the lectures and also their future careers as a community. The instructor will also be there to help them in need.

The final Image Recognizer Capstone Project will be reviewed and graded by the instructor and possible suggestions to make the project more professional will be provided in one-to-one feedback or meeting.

👨‍🏫 Instructor

Mohammad Sabik Irbaz – Data Scientist | Leadbook –


After graduating from the Islamic University of Technology, Mohammad Sabik Irbaz pursued his passion for Data Science and joined a local startup. With experience gathered and skills sharpened, he landed on Singapore Startup Leadbook working with Data as a Data Scientist and has been working there for more than 2 years.

💻 Additional benefit & job placement

This program is intended for beginners only. Those who will complete this basic course will directly qualify for the final interview round of the next Dokkho Program.

Dokkho is our flagship program for global job placement. Learn more about Dokkho: 

💳 Program Fee

6,999 taka one time payment for this whole basic program

Course Outline


➔ Overview of the Curriculum
➔ Important Roles to pursue
➔ How to Python
◆ Python Basics
◆ Python Data Structures
◆ Debugging & Error Handling
➔ How to NumPy


➔ Data Science Lifecycle
➔ Scrape A Static Website
➔ Scrape A Dynamic Website with Selenium
➔ Data Transformation with Pandas
➔ Data Visualization with Matplotlib
➔ Data Visualization with Seaborn
➔ Interactive Visualization with Plotly

Deep Learning

➔ Origins to SOTA of Deep Learning
➔ Train Your First Computer Vision Model
➔ Training First Models Beyond Computer Vision
➔ Foundation and Uses of Deep Learning
➔ Importance of Dataset Splits

End-to-end Data Science Pipeline in Practice

➔ Data Collection, Processing, Augmentation
➔ Training Model and Cleaning Data
➔ Deploy Model to HuggingFace Spaces
➔ Integrate Model API in GitHub Pages Website
➔ Image Recognizer Capstone Project

Payment Procedure

Any Question? Call: 👉 01953555943

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