1st cohort

Dokkho Product Management Career Program

Elevate your career in Product Management, one of the most sought-after fields. Secure your dream job, and you'll pay us when you start earning!


Program length:
16 weeks

Job Placement

Zero Upfront Fee
with ISA

Program Details

⚡ How it Works

1. 4 months of rigorous training on the fundamentals of Product Management

2. After 4 months, we help you place in Jobs both locally and globally through our placement channels and as well as in other companies.

3. We continuously groom for 1 year even after getting the job so that you can maximise your salary in this period.

💳 Program Fee

The program fee is 1,00,000 BDT. But you do not have to pay anything until you get a job. Through our Income Sharing Agreement, you will get access to the program, get trained, and have a better go at placing Product Management related jobs. When you get placed, you start to pay us 15% from your monthly income until the full fee is paid.

📚 Program Curriculum

This program covers most of the major topics in Product Management. For detailed curriculum check out the link below.

Full curriculum: Dokkho Product Management Curriculum

👨‍🏫 Instructor

Khondoker Mashuk Ibn Mahfuz – Senior Vice President, Go Zayaan.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khondokermashuk

Khondoker Mashuk Ibn Mahfuz is an accomplished professional currently holding the position of Senior Vice President for Product and Business Intelligence at Go Zayaan. With a wealth of experience, which notably includes five years as a Strategic Planner at Analyzen, Mahfuz is your seasoned mentor for navigating the complexities of product management.

💻 Program Contents

16 weeks of live sessions, Projects and assignments including one final Capstone Project.

🚀 Job Placement

MasterCourse offers placement channels in local as well as global startups in Product Management related positions. The students of the program get direct access to applying to these positions after their training is complete. 



You do not have to pay us anything. But for the 1 year of the program, MasterCourse will help you to place in positions related to the program, i.e Product Management.

MasterCourse aims to place you in jobs related to the program within 1 year. But if you can not get placed, you do not have to pay us anything.

There will be multiple stages of penalty if you want to drop out of the program. For example, if you drop out within 2 weeks, there will not be any penalties. But as the program progresses, there will be penalties of a certain percentage of the program fee.

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